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"The only dangerous minority is the rich"
Sticker seen in New Orleans, Louisiana

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When Palestinians ‘die’ and Israelis get ‘killed’ in the same war

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"As governments, politicians, university administrators, school directors, sororities, social media gatekeepers, and the mainstream media silence critical voices and prohibit demonstrations against Israel’s actions, we must refuse to be cowed. This is our time to stand up, together with others, and find ways to clear the smog of propaganda and intimidation. Historians of fascism have much to teach us about the disastrous complicity of the silent majority."

#anthropology #gaza #israel #Israel-Palestineconflict

Unknown parent

Hi @Wrdlbrmpft I double clecked the text and cannot find any mention of Hamas being progressive etc, so I wonder why you found the text naive. Don't you think it should be possible to be both against Hamas terrorists and the government of Israel because both of them kill thousands of innocent people and don't care about human rights? Especially in Germany (for historical reasons, though) this seems to be an impossible task. Check this Open Letter by 100 Jewish intellectuals in Germany (English) and!5965154/ (Deutsch) or this Guardian article ‘Do not use our pain to bring death: Relatives of campaigners killed by Hamas, such as Hayim Katsman, are among those arguing against revenge’
in reply to Lorenz

See also here: An atmosphere of fear’: free speech under threat in Israel, activists say. Two activists from a Jewish-Arab peace movement were recently detained in Israel for putting up posters with a message that the police deemed to be offensive. The message was: “Jews and Arabs, we will get through this together.”

Anthropo-monde reshared this.

Today, while looking for more positive input, I had to think of a lecture by #Anthropologist Jeremy MacClancy:

We forget that most people are not much interested in identity politics. Indeed, the very opposite is true: Most people strive daily to uphold equality, commonality, and a notion of humanity which usually tends towards the universal. They wish to connect, not to divide.”
But this commonality is not always as easy to spot as flag-waving activists who proclaim their identity, be it Norwegians, Islamists, Protestants, #Israeli or #Palestinian.

#Gaza #israel #Israel-Palestineconflict #Anthropology

The best that was ever said about #israel #Palestine #Gaza #Hamas and so on. Piers Morgan interviews famous Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef, the power of #satire and #art !

In #Chemnitz nichts Neues. Hier beschützt man die #Nazis: Wie die Freie Presse schreibt:

Das hatten sich die Organisatoren einer Kundgebung vor dem Chemnitzer Rathaus sicher anders vorgestellt. Ihre Veranstaltung in Erinnerung an #MarwaElSherbini, einer Ägypterin, die 2009 aus islam- und ausländerfeindlichen Motiven in einem Gerichtsgebäude in Dresden umgebracht worden war, hatte kaum begonnen, schon gab es Ärger mit der Polizei. Stein des Anstoßes: Ein großes Transparent mit der Aufschrift „Björn Höcke ist ein Nazi“.

Nach Einschätzung der Beamten vor Ort soll das Plakat "den Anfangsverdacht einer Straftat" beinhalten, nämlich den einer „gegen Personen des politischen Lebens gerichteten Beleidigung, üble Nachrede und Verleumdung“. Die Polizei hat den Banner deshalb beschlagnahmt und nahm Personalien auf.

Am Montag kam laut Freie Presse die Kehrtwende. „Nach Prüfung seitens der Staatsanwaltschaft Chemnitz wurde der Verdacht einer Straftat nicht bejaht“, heißt es:

Die Veranstalter hatten bereits vorab auf juristische Entscheidungen verwiesen, die die bemängelte Aussage über den AfD-Politiker als zulässig einschätzten. So habe die Staatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt/Main erst vor wenigen Wochen Ermittlungen dazu eingestellt. Ein Thüringer Gericht sei zudem bereits 2019 zu dem Ergebnis gekommen, dass „in ausreichendem Umfang glaubhaft gemacht“ werden konnte, dass das Werturteil über Höcke „nicht aus der Luft gegriffen“ sei, sondern „auf einer überprüfbaren Tatsachengrundlage beruhe“. Höcke ist derzeit wegen öffentlicher Nutzung von NS-Vokabular angeklagt.

#Rassimsus #afd #Sachsen

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Lorenz reshared this.

Støttekonsert for OED-aktivistene i dag kl 20. #Fosen

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Lorenz reshared this.

500 days ago yesterday Supreme Court ruled State of Norway violate human rights through construction of 150 wind turbines at Fosen, Trøndelag, SW Sápmi/MW Norway.
State don't give a fuck that it violates the law, because it's rights of indigenous Sámi, so yesterday some Sámi started occupying lobby of Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.
"The wind turbines at Fosen shall be demolished and the land returned to Fosen-Sámi. They've been fighting against the wind industry and State ~10 years. We are here in solidarity with those […] who are exhausted after all of the State violations", said Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen to NRK.

Norway's Minister came down and spewed same nonsense as always, that they're investigating and don't have a decision yet but "we must ensure indigenous rights are safeguarded", which is what they actively piss on.

"Those are just empty words. We are used to hearing that we have to deal with them having to make a new decision. But they don't deal with that there are real people who live with this violation every day, and we who sit here feel in our bodies that we cannot tolerate the ongoing human rights violation." responded Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen.

Today Elle Rávdná Näkkäläjrvi says "The Ministry locked its front door so nobody can come in. They're trying to starve us out".
in reply to b9AcE

"Let the River Flow" about the actual history Alta-conflict foundational to the Sámi indigenous rights- and environmentalism-movement was yesterday also awarded all three out of three of the the Norwegian Film Critics' Award for 2024,
for Best Feature Movie, while the Best Actor Award went to lead cast member and Sámi indigenous rights activist Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen and the Professional Function Award went to composer Ola Fløttum for the original music.
It has only happened once before since the Award's start in 1950 that the same movie took three out of three awards of a year.

Pic: Left to right, composer Ola Fløttum, director Ole Giæver and lead cast member Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen.

Oh, nice! "Let the River Flow", with English subtitles:
I've been looking for that.

A movie portrayal of the foundationally important Alta conflict (, which should be seen by anyone interested in indigenous rights anywhere, environmental activism's both past struggles and current and so on.
Here's a trailer in case you wanna know what you're gonna watch. ;-)

Yes, the main character is played by *that* Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen, main spokesperson of the indigenous rights activists that shut down the State several times during the year the movie was released, 2023, for their rights to their own land by both use (tradition) and law.

in reply to b9AcE

Finally something nice for a change:
ALL of the 18 indigenous rights activists prosecuted for taking action against the State of Norway violating the Constitution and international law against the Sámi people at Fosen, southern Norway-held part of Sápmi, have now been acquitted.

The court found that the order to end the demo, the treatment of the protesters and the punitive actions overall violated the defendants' rights to peaceful demos, violated the constitution.

"It is surprising! We were prepared fot the worst, so that everyone is acquitted feels very good", said main spokesperson Marie Hætta Isaksen.

"I am glad that no one was convicted for their defense of the rule of law", said the President of the Sámi Parliament of Norway, Silje Karine Muotka.

The lawbreaking government told press that it will ponder whether to appeal the case further, continuing to seek to get the Sámi activists punished for acting against its violations of the law.

Lorenz reshared this.

Bør universitet og høgskular etablere sine eigne instansar på Mastodon? Har skrive litt her:
#Allheimen #NorskAkademia
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Unknown parent

Kjerstin Gjengedal
@Syphilia Kor langt er det lange svaret?
Unknown parent

Kjerstin Gjengedal
@Syphilia 😂

José Manuel Barros reshared this.

A new issue of the #anthropology #openaccess #journal of Vibrant, the journal of the Brazilian Anthropology Association, is available. I've always found it one of the more interesting open access journals, I wish I had time to read more, especially the section about Global Anthropological Dialogues

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Women are moving away from “traditional” marital arrangements. "What made it interesting to me is that these women were really saying, “Look, we’d rather figure out how to get by day-to-day than deal with the kinds of things that we know come with #marriage,” says #anthropologist Joanna Davidson in this interview. Instead, women are opting into other kinds of relationships that get deprioritized in the process of marriage. "Also, in opting out of marriage, in absolutely none of these cases does that automatically mean opting out of motherhood too", she adds. #anthropology #books #book

in reply to Lorenz

Another #review of this #book by #anthropologist #DavidGraeber , this time from an American perspective:

"Citizens of these pirate port towns had far more freedom than your average twenty-first century American prole moiling long hours for monopoly corporations. They had more democracy as well: decisions were debated and the majority ruled, unlike this country, where citizens express their preference through the franchise, but somehow when their representatives arrive in the capital the only people they listen to are their donors, and only the richest ones, at that. The pirates off the coast of Africa had no such problems. Had any such tyrannical oligarch of the sort who rule the world from Washington appeared in Madagascar, the pirates would have cut his throat."

#anthropology #democracy

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Deutscher #Kolonialismus in #China! Stimmt! Habe auch noch nichts davon gehört. Wenig bekannte #Geschichte. Das Tsingtao Bier habe ich natürlich getrunken, unwissend über die Verbindung zu #Deutschland. Sehr interessanter Text in der #taz .!5908989/

in reply to Lorenz

Und hier mehr im Deutschlandfunk

Another favorite non-commercial #radio station of mine for discovering new #music, again I mostly listen to their #worldmusic channel
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Filipino activists decry Facebook’s ‘automated censorship’

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Spennende eksperiment! Minner meg samtidig om forskjellene mellom Norge og #Tyskland. Her - i Tyskland - ville det vært omvendt. Trøbbel venter på deg når du skal betale med kredittkort! #kontanter ruler her fortsatt. #NorskTut

Alex Golub reshared this.

Very good advice by #anthropologist Elizabeth Keating, I think! My wife and me have been talking a lot about this topic recently: So much we don't know about our #parents and #relatives, so much we didn't see in their lives, because we never stepped out of our customary roles.

#anthropology #christmas

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My favorite #radio station. I found out that I was able to discover much more new #music by listening to non-commercial online radio stations than by Spotify - and most music by this #worldmusic station in Lithuania

According to this map, #mastodon (and the #fediverse ?) needs to become much more global - still mostly a European thing
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Anthropologist Mimi Ito:

Teachers don’t have to be experts to have a big impact. (...) When we talk to students about the things that really influence their life choices and school achievement, often they will mention these very small conversations, where an educator showed a genuine curiosity in their interest. (...) The play part is huge too—just having fun together, playing a game on the playground. They're the things that sit in a deeper spot with young people long after they've forgotten their math facts.

#anthropology #teaching #education #gaming

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in reply to Lorenz

hmmm, link preview not working? (sorry, still testing) EDIT: Got it working
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Blogging Revival in the Fediverse?

Traditional #blogging, as practiced until maybe 10 years ago, has died. Facebook and , Twitter killed it. Most blogs, including mine, ceased to get regular updates in the recent years. I wonder if the rise of the fediverse will trigger a revival of blogging.

The #fediverse combines the best of both worlds: The non-commercial open culture of traditional blogging and the easier way of connecting and following. I wiil have to check how well #Friendica can be used for blogging ot if there are other platforms as Writefreely, Plume or Wordpress with a seperate plugin.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Public post test

Other posts were public but nevertheless not visible. what about this one?