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Another new #book by #anthropologist #DavidGraeber who died two years ago. In this book as well, according to this #review, "his overall project is to argue that what we think of as the European Enlightenment drew much of its inspiration from now forgotten non-European thinkers and social practices." #anthropology #democracy #history

in reply to Lorenz

Another #review of this #book by #anthropologist #DavidGraeber , this time from an American perspective:

"Citizens of these pirate port towns had far more freedom than your average twenty-first century American prole moiling long hours for monopoly corporations. They had more democracy as well: decisions were debated and the majority ruled, unlike this country, where citizens express their preference through the franchise, but somehow when their representatives arrive in the capital the only people they listen to are their donors, and only the richest ones, at that. The pirates off the coast of Africa had no such problems. Had any such tyrannical oligarch of the sort who rule the world from Washington appeared in Madagascar, the pirates would have cut his throat."

#anthropology #democracy

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