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A new issue of the #anthropology #openaccess #journal of Vibrant, the journal of the Brazilian Anthropology Association, is available. I've always found it one of the more interesting open access journals, I wish I had time to read more, especially the section about Global Anthropological Dialogues

Women are moving away from “traditional” marital arrangements. "What made it interesting to me is that these women were really saying, “Look, we’d rather figure out how to get by day-to-day than deal with the kinds of things that we know come with #marriage,” says #anthropologist Joanna Davidson in this interview. Instead, women are opting into other kinds of relationships that get deprioritized in the process of marriage. "Also, in opting out of marriage, in absolutely none of these cases does that automatically mean opting out of motherhood too", she adds. #anthropology #books #book

Deutscher #Kolonialismus in #China! Stimmt! Habe auch noch nichts davon gehört. Wenig bekannte #Geschichte. Das Tsingtao Bier habe ich natürlich getrunken, unwissend über die Verbindung zu #Deutschland. Sehr interessanter Text in der #taz .!5908989/

A short walk in the #sun before the rain will pour over this southern part of #bavaria

#photography #sky #clouds

here a screenshot from today's status:

Why not start with a cat photo??